Therapeutic AreaFormulary ChoicesCost for 28
(unless otherwise stated)
Rationale for decision / comments
MucolyticsNot for long term use, only to be used when required as symptoms arise. Do not routinely use to prevent exacerbations.

Erdocysteine is non-formulary.
375mg capsules: £2.30 (120)For the adjunctive therapy of respiratory tract disorders characterised by excessive, viscous mucus, including chronic obstructive airways disease.

Adult: 2.25g daily in divided doses, then 1.5g daily in divided doses as condition improves.

Sachets are licenced for adults and children over 15 years of age with same dose.
750mg/10ml oral solution 10ml sachets sugar free: £4.16 (15)
250mg/5ml oral solution sugar free: £8.39 (300ml)This medicine is not recommended for use in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years due to the alcohol content.
as Acepiro®
600mg effervescent tablet: £4.40 (30)For the treatment of respiratory tract diseases in which a reduction in bronchial secretion viscosity is required to facilitate expectoration.

Adult: One daily.