Therapeutic AreaFormulary ChoicesCost for 28
(unless otherwise stated)
Rationale for decision / comments
3.3.2 Leukotriene receptor antagonists
Leukotriene receptor antagonistsMontelukast
Chewable tablets


4mg chewable tablets: £1.24 (28)
5mg chewable tablets: £1.45 (28)

10mg tablets: £1.43 (28)

4mg granules: £5.37 (28)
NICE guidance says consider a trial of monteleukast for patients aged 5yrs and above if uncontrolled on low dose ICS (4-8 week trial)
Included for add-on therapy according to BTS & SIGN guidelines for the management of chronic asthma as an alternative to increasing ICS dose if some benefit from a LABA trial. (BNF) and BTS/SIGN 2008 revised 2014