Related guidance:

See NHS Somerset infection management guidance.

Otovent nasal balloon for otitis media with effusion Medtech innovation briefing (MIB59 March 2016)

Otitis externa (CKS February 2022)

Therapeutic AreaFormulary ChoicesCost for 28
(unless otherwise stated)
Rationale for decision / comments
Otitis externaFirst line: analgesia for pain relief, and apply localised heat such as a warm flannel.
Second line: Cure rates similar at 7 days for topical acetic acid or antibiotic +/- steroid.
Acetic acid as
Green cross EarCalm® - suitable for self-care
2% spray: £4.92 (5ml)For people aged 12 years and older. Administer directly into each affected ear at least three times a day, morning, evening, and after swimming, showering, or bathing, for a maximum of 7 days.
Betamethasone with Neomycin
as Betnesol-N®
Drops: £2.39 (10ml)2 or 3 drops instilled into the ear three or four times daily for 7-14 days.

Should not be treated when the eardrum is perforated because of the risk of ototoxicity.
Neomycin and dexamethasone and acetic Acid
as Otomize®
0.5 and 0.1 and 2% spray: £3.27 (5ml)For adults and children 2 years of age and over. One metered dose to be administered directly into each affected ear three times daily for 7-14 days.

The product should not be used in patients where a perforated tympanic membrane has been diagnosed or is suspected or where a tympanostomy tube (grommet) is in situ.
Ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone0.3 and 0.1% drops: £6.12 (5ml)For adults and children over 12 months of age. Instil four drops in the affected ear(s) twice a day for 7 days.

May be preferred in cases of tympanic perforation (off label).
Otitis mediaNHS Somerset do not recommend topical antimicrobials for otitis media, please refer to guidance.
Phenazone and lidocaine
as Otigo®
40mg and10mg/g drops: £8.92 (15ml)Otigo is intended for local symptomatic treatment and relief of pain in the following diseases of the middle ear without tympanic perforation:

- acute, congestive otitis media;

- otitis in influenza, the so called viral bullous otitis;

- barotraumatic otitis.

Contraindicated in infectious or traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane (including myringotomy).
Removal of earwaxFor all preparations used in removal of ear wax patients should be advised to lie with affected ear uppermost for 5 minutes after administration to ensure penetration of the ear canal.
Green cross Olive oil - suitable for self-careDrops: £0.92 (15ml)First line.
Docusate sodium
Green cross Waxsol® - suitable for self-care
0.5% drops: £1.95 (10ml)
Otovent®Auto inflation device: £6.69 (1)Otovent may be used in situations for children who cannot equalise air pressure in the middle ear, including those with glue ear. Effectiveness has not been assessed in adults.